Woodley School and College

Dog Kennel Bank, Huddersfield, HD5 8JE


  1. Curriculum
  2. Fundamental British Values

Fundamental British Values

The DfE states that:


"All maintained schools must meet the requirements set out in section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of their pupils. Through ensuring pupils’ SMSC development, schools can also demonstrate they are actively promoting fundamental British values".


At Woodley School and College, throughout all stages, we aim to ensure that our pupils:


  • Explore beliefs, experience and faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about ourselves, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity and reflect on experiences
  • Recognise right and wrong and respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues and offer reasoned views
  • Use a range of social skills to participate in the local community and beyond; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict
  • Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity
  • Be part of a system where everyone plays an equal part
  • Learn that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable for their actions and behaviour
  • Be free to express views or ideas
  • To respect and tolerate the opinions or behaviour of others


We achieve this through our school Core Purpose, Vision and Values:

Also through promoting and reinforcing the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs regularly and in the following ways:



  • We have an elected School Council. Sessions promote and teach about democracy (views of others) and the electoral process (data handling).
  • The Student Council discuss how to obtain the views of others through surveys, class visits, learning walks, and meetings with staff/visitors and SLT.
  • The outcomes of Student Council meetings/ projects are reported to the Governors.
  • Through questionnaires/feedback all pupils are encouraged to have an input into what and how they learn to instil an understanding of democracy for their future.
  • SMSC curriculum is established throughout the school; key learning indicators inform target setting and allows for personalisation within all targets.
  • Democracy is also promoted through the maths curriculum with a focus upon data handling enabling the pupils to strengthen their key concepts/skills of obtaining views of others.


The Rule of Law:

  • We have high expectations about pupil conduct and this is reflected in our culture and Positive Behaviour Support Policy.
  • Positive Behaviour Support plans guide learners in identifying ways they can act towards others.
  • Good behaviour and consistent demonstration of our values is recognised through rewards i.e. ‘Star of the week’, ‘Special Awards’.
  • information is sent home to parents/carers identifying pupil achievements/ successes.
  • Record of Achievement identify successes.
  • Through our Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)approach pupils are taught about respect and supported to develop a strong sense of morality.
  • The school understands the importance of promoting British values through a comprehensive and unprejudiced curriculum.
  • Through our Safeguarding policy.
  • The school has a high regard for the laws that govern and protect the school, the responsibilities that this involves, and the consequences when laws are broken. All pupils are involved in the creation of school rules to inspire them with this understanding.
  • Pupils are taught these values and the reasons behind laws, whether they govern the class, the school or the country, that are essential for their wellbeing and safety.
  • The school organises visits from authorities throughout the year to reinforce the reality and importance of key messages.


Individual Liberty:

  • Through our school vision 'Committed to improving the Quality of Life for everyone in our school community', pupils are taught about personal responsibility, choices, ambition and aspiration.
  • Pupil aspirations are recognised and guide aspects of our curriculum.
  • All classes display targets and achievements.
  • Self-assessment encourages pupils to determine what went well and how improvements can be made.
  • Through the use of outcomes identified within EHCP/Annual and Transition reviews pupil voice is obtained through the ‘All about me’ and ‘Pupil Views’ hopes and aspirations.
  • Pupils are encouraged to take opportunities to follow their aspirations/ interests through our curriculum.
  • Pupils’ achievements are celebrated in assemblies and on our website and the school newsletters.
  • Children are taught how to keep themselves safe.
  • The school has a high-profile approach to Safeguarding.


Mutual Respect:

  • We have high expectations about pupil behaviour and this is reflected in our culture and Positive Behaviour Support Policy.
  • Through our Positive Behaviour Support Policy pupils are taught to respect each other; to be cooperative and collaborative; to be supportive and to be understanding of differences.
  • The staff at Woodley treat all pupils with mutual respect; staff assist all pupils on a daily basis in the development of their behaviour/ PSHE skills.
  • Through our whole school events we help others e.g. whole school charity days/ social action projects (Harvest Festival, Children in Need, Red Nose Day and Save the Children).
  • We use stories and drama to promote a wider understanding of the beliefs of others through our RE curriculum.
  • During our culture /foreign language sessions and events we have visiting artists who display dance, dress, food, ways to worship in accordance to their faith/belief.
  • Mutual and self-respect respect is also promoted through additional PSHE lessons and assemblies.


Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs:

  • We have high expectations about pupil behaviour and this is reflected in our culture and Positive Behaviour Support Policy.
  • Through our Positive Behaviour Support Policy pupils are taught to respect each other; to be cooperative and collaborative; to be supportive and to be understanding of differences.
  • The school acknowledges that tolerance is achieved through pupils’ knowledge and understanding of their place in a culturally-diverse society and the opportunity for pupils to experience such diversity.
  • Throughout the year, assemblies are held focussing on anti-bullying, and discussion is encouraged.
  • Children learn about different religions, their beliefs, places of worship and festivals.
  • The pupils’ work is often displayed in the classroom and within the school environment.
  • Whole school culture days/ weeks/ events  are planned and promoted i.e. Black History Month.

Please see our policies page and safeguarding page below for more information regarding Fundamental British Values and our Safeguarding strategies.