Woodley School and College

Dog Kennel Bank, Huddersfield, HD5 8JE


  1. Parents & Carers
  2. Local Offer And EHCP's

Local offer

Kirklees has a comprehensive offer for students with SEND. Each school has a specific profile of students they support. 

It is really important as a parent looking for a school for your child you work with the local authority. They will help guide and support you.

Once you have schools that might be able to meet your child's needs you should arrange a visit to these schools. Finding the right school for your child takes time and can be complex. Your existing school should be able to help you with this process as well as the SENDACT team in the LA.


Kirklees Local Offer: Kirklees Special School Local Offer

Applying for a place for a child with SEND: SEND application guidance



Admission to the school is through the Special Educational Needs and Disability Team

Their contact details are:

01484 221000 




Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) is the document that thoroughly outlines your child's needs and what is needed to fully support them.  

This is a Local Authority document that should be reviewed every year to make sure the content still outlines the progress towards achieving the targets in the EHCP and makes sure the support needed is still accurate. 

Here are some helpful documents that explains the annual review process:


EHCP Annual Review Guidance

Understanding EHCP's