Woodley School and College

Dog Kennel Bank, Huddersfield, HD5 8JE


  1. Curriculum
  2. Overview intent

Overview intent

'Promoting independent communication for all pupils'

At Woodley School and College, we plan, implement and deliver four curriculum pathways to meet the needs of our pupils Exploration, Recognition, Discovery and Investigation Pathways.


Each pupil has a personalised learning offer that combines their EHCP outcomes, SMSC, British Values, Quality of Life Framework, Pupil Voice, Positive Behaviour Support Framework and the ‘Woodley Curriculum’.


  • We aim to instil a lifelong love of learning, develop functional and enhanced communication skills, develop physical skills, leisure skills, develop independence and self-help skills that will prepare our pupils for adult life.
  • We aim to work with and within our local and wider community by sharing with, celebrating and supporting each other.
  • We aim to develop our pupil’s academic, social, emotional knowledge and skills, in order to fulfil their aspirations and to reach their goals.


Safeguarding is embedded into the curriculum. Woodley School and College staff follow the school values and promote the social model of autism.