Woodley School and College

Dog Kennel Bank, Huddersfield, HD5 8JE


  1. Curriculum
  2. RSHE Statement

All about Relationships, Sex and Health Education at Woodley

Helping all learner to achieve their potential

Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) plays an important role for everyone at Woodley by rehearsing and embedding the practical skills and knowledge needed to lead independent and fulfilling lives and enjoy safe, nurturing and healthy relationships. We recognise that children and young people with special needs and disabilities can be more vulnerable to abuse in society. Learning about RSE ensures our pupils are taught about safeguarding risks.

Alongside this, health education gives learners the information they need to make informed decisions about their own health.

The important lessons that you teach your child about healthy relationships, looking after themselves and staying safe are supported by our curriculum at school.

All of the Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) lessons are delivered in an age, developmentally appropriate and sensitive manner. We are aware of and sensitive to the needs of each child as an individual.

At Woodley, we base our RSHE curriculum on the Planning Framework for Pupils with SEND which is produced by the PSHE Association. The PSHE Association is the national body for personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education — the school curriculum subject that supports pupils to be healthy, safe and prepared for modern life. PSHE education incorporates health education, relationships education/RSE and economic wellbeing and careers.

This framework covers all key aspects of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and is fully aligned with the Statutory Guidance for Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education.

You can see more information and framework here.


Children at Woodley are taught the aspects of RSHE at their level of understanding and personalised to their needs. We use the framework flexibly adapting it to the needs and abilities of our pupils as their development may not necessarily correspond to their chronological age. The learning will be regularly re-visited and consolidated over the key stages.

We welcome the input and ideas of parents and carers and would like to hear form you as we develop the RSHE curriculum further.

Likewise, we appreciate that it can be a worrying and difficult topic for some parent’s and carers, you are more than welcome to contact school to discuss and share your concerns with us.


Useful resources

Guides for parents form the Department of Education (Mainstream based) can be found on the website. There are translations into Arabic, Somali and Urdu.


Relationships Education information from ParentKind



There are free courses for parents and carers available here to help with positive communication around sex, relationships and growing up.


NSPCC Healthy Relationships advice for parents and careers on how to talk to your child about relationships , sex and consent.
